Review: Dominik

Thursday 20 February 2020

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Another quick but no less enjoyable story in the Arizona Vengeance series.

After Tacker's story, which I had been desperate to read, I wasn't sure if another story would hold my interest but after being teased about Dominik and Willow's interactions, I knew reading on was not an option!

Willow was a really intriguing character especially as she appears to be the only woman to be not interested in Dominik or his good looks, wealth, success and charismatic ways. Willow's reticence to have anything other than the odd one night stand with Dominik perplexes him and the more Willow ignores him, the more he chases after her.

Being a photojournalist and travelling to some of the most dangerous places on earth, Willow lives her life on a knife-edge but when she returns home to the US, she agrees to meet up with Dominik again. However, Willow has one thing on her mind and that's the opposite of what Dominik wants from her.

With Willow back on home soil, Dominik knows this is his only chance to win her over but when he finds out she has been badly burned in a relationship before he accepts that in order to make her fall for him he must take his time. That is until he doesn't!

I really enjoyed Willow and Dominik's connection and I must admit to being a sucker for Dominik all through this series. I became slightly irritated when Dominik's willingness to take his time with Willow did an about-turn but even then, with emotion and passion driving him forward and in the heat of the moment, he does the opposite of his intentions but in such a sweet way. Fortunately, Willow finds herself in a situation which makes her re-evaluate her life and Dominik is able to fly in to save the day.

This is the first story in this series that I've listened to via Audible and whilst the experience was enjoyable, I think I prefer reading these stories at my own pace. The narrators, whilst clearly experienced, seemed to rush through their words and were almost gabbling at times. Even slowing down the talking speed didn't help, sadly.

I am so pleased to see that there is yet another book planned in this amazing series as I am in no way ready to be done with the Arizona Vengeance.


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