Review: Losing Traction

Sunday 10 January 2016
Losing Traction Losing Traction by Amo Jones
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

From Race cars to rock stars with a little bit of MC club in between.

The cover and synopsis sold me on this book straight away. This story was clearly created to be a little different: a female racing driver, brought up in a MC club who falls in love with a rock star. A dream scenario you may think!

I hadn't read the Sinful Souls MC series before starting Losing Traction and I felt that this made the story overly confusing. As a result, I wasn’t able to fully connect with the characters or be able to relate to them without understanding their backgrounds. I did love the main characters though especially Ryder and Ryker who sold themselves to me immediately. I loved the feistiness of Phoebe and her strength and determination is definitely a selling point in this story.

The start of the book, for me, was very disjointed and unnecessary. I could see that the author was trying to set the scene for readers who hadn’t read her previous books. However, once it settled down into the present day I was quickly absorbed by the story. My enjoyment did lapse again sadly towards the end of the book when I found I was just too exhausted trying to keep up with the numerous characters, their contributions to the story and where the book was heading next. There were also some issues with the writing whereby sentences didn't make sense and despite re-reading paragraphs on occasion I still found myself too confused to settle into the flow of the book.

This really could have been a great book though and I am sure those people who have read then Sinful Souls MC series will be blown away by this story.

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