Review: Deviant

Thursday 9 January 2014
Deviant Deviant by Callie Hart
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a debut by Callie Hart! If there ever was an arc that I needed to get my hands on this was it and as soon as I started reading it I knew the story was going to blow me away. Callie has written an extremely strong storyline which is filled with a delicious mix of intrigue, violence and eroticism.

The characters that Callie has created in this, the first book in her Blood & Rose series, are simply breath-taking. Sloane and Zeth live polar opposite lives but their paths cross in Sloane’s attempt to track down her missing sister. From their first “meeting”, Sloane and Zeth take readers down a path into a world of danger and criminal activity. Zeth is THE man though and I challenge any reader not to find his cold, calculating persona simply the hottest thing ever.
“Ask yourself the question, though, Sloane. Ask yourself if you want to walk away. If you want me out of your life.”
Determined to find Alexis, Sloane accepts that she will do whatever is necessary to track her down. After a heart-stopping encounter with the man she came to know as Zeth, Sloane never expected to see him again but little did she know that his voice, having dominated her dreams, once again became a reality.
“Do you remember?” he whispers.
I nod.
“And when you close your eyes?”
I know what he’s asking. I nod again. “Yes.”
“Do it, then. Close your eyes.”
This story is fast-paced and extremely easy to read. My only criticism about this book was that it ended too soon. I needed more, so much more, and for it not to end where it did!!! I can’t wait to read more of Callie Hart’s works, especially the next story in the Blood & Roses series.
“The darkness we create ourselves is better than the darkness waiting for us with our eyes open, because at least with our eyes closed we’re in control of the darkness that way.”
Congratulations on a well-written book and a storyline to match.

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